Constituency Members:
Azerbaijan, Brunei Darussalam, Georgia, Pakistan, Türkiye
Bengü AYTEKİN (Türkiye)
Ms. Bengü Aytekin was appointed as member of the AIIB Board of Directors on Dec. 21, 2022. She currently holds the position of Deputy Director General for Foreign Economic Relations, Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance and she is responsible for maintaining Türkiye’s relations with the G-20, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and multilateral development banks (MDBs). She has been providing policy advice on the governance of the MDBs to the Minister and managing Türkiye’s relations with the G-20 and IMF, acting as a lead negotiator. Prior to this, from 2014 to 2022, she acted as the Head of Department for the Multilateral Development Banks at the Directorate General of Foreign Economic Relations, responsible for Türkiye’s engagement in the MDBs. She has extensive experience due to her 20-year career in public service, as she had assumed various responsibilities with respect to MDBs that Türkiye is a member of, as well as European Union and IMF, at the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. She had earned a B.S., Economics from the Middle East Technical University, Türkiye and an M.A. in International Development Policy from the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, USA.
Alternate Directors
Cansel Şermet KILINCASLAN (Türkiye)
Muhammad Yahya AKHUNZADA (Pakistan)
Gökhan YAHYA (Türkiye)
Tevfik KALKAN (Türkiye)
Contact Information